Adult Sessions

Scrimmage sessions

What: Adult scrimmage sessions for all experience and abilities. 

When: Every Tuesday (8.00pm - 9.00pm)

Where: Northstowe Secondary College Sports Hall, Stirling Road. Northstowe, CB24 1DJ

Cost: Joining fee of £15

  • £20 per month

How to join as a member?

  1. Send an email to to check if we can accept new members.
  2. Complete the application form here.
  3. Once you get confirmation that we can accept you, please make the first month payment and set up the standing order accordingly.

Northstowe Senior Training
Northstow First Ever Session!
Northstowe Adult Sessions

Terms and Conditions

One off joining fee of £15 

£20 per month to attend one session per week.

Cost: First month payment will be £35 on joining the club.  Then please set up a standing order for £20 per month from the following month.

Please note additional terms and conditions:

  • If you wish to stop attending our sessions, we require one month notice.

  • If you miss a payment, we will require an additional £10 admin charge.

  • If you stop attending and would like to rejoin, the additional £15 joining fee is applicable.
